
Black Male Forum Hosted by the Urban Education Collaborative and the Congressional Black Caucus Sparks Idea for 5 Students to Attend the Presidential Inauguration

Categories: News

The Black Male Academic Forum during the Democratic National Convention co-hosted by the Urban Education Collaborative (Dr. Chance W. Lewis) and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (Dr. Ivory A. Toldson) sparks idea for 5 students to attend the Presidential Inauguration. Click Here for more details.

Urban Education Collaborative Doctoral Student Nominated for Prestigious PEO Scholar Award

Categories: News

Marcia Watson, Belk Graduate Assistant and Doctoral Fellow in the Urban Education Collaborative has been nominated for the prestigious PEO Scholar Award. Awards will be announced in May.

Urban Education Collaborative Staff Publishes Peer-Reviewed Article

Categories: News

Doctoral Fellow Abiola Farinde and Dr. Ayana Allen’s paper entitled Cultural Dissonance: Exploring the Relationship between White Female Teachers’ Perception and Urban Black Female Students’ Disciplinary Infractions was accepted in the National Journal of Urban Education and Practice.

Urban Education Collaborative Director Selected to CMS African American Male Task Force

Categories: News

The Urban Education Collaborative is pleased to announce that Dr. Lewis, Director of The Urban Education Collaborative, has been selected to serve on the African American Male Task Force in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (Charlotte, NC). This task force will conceptualize short and long term goals to be included in the revised district strategic plan for the […]

Urban Education Collaborative Doctoral Fellow to Present at Minority Male Symposium

Categories: News

Mr. Derrick Robinson, Doctoral Fellow with The Urban Education Collaborative at UNC Charlotte, will be presenting at UNC Charlotte Building Better Brothers Program and the 3rd Annual Minority Male Symposium on the campus of UNC Charlotte on January 25, 2013. The title of his presentation is, “Ten Things Every Minority Male Should Know.”

Urban Education Collaborative receives $10,000 grant to implement Beyond the Bricks Community Producer Program

Categories: News

The Urban Education Collaborative received a $10,000 grant (Chance W. Lewis, PI and JuliAnna Avila, Co-PI) to implement the Beyond the Bricks Community Producer program for Black Males ages 16-19 at UNC Charlotte. This program will begin January 2013 in the UNC Charlotte Center City Campus. For more information about the Beyond the Bricks Community […]

Urban Education Collaborative welcomes 2nd cohort of Doctoral Fellows

Categories: News

The Urban Education Collaborative welcomes its 2nd cohort of Doctoral Fellows. These doctoral fellows selected through a rigorous process will be provided with intensive mentoring in preparation for future employment as professors and scholars upon completion of this program. These students will also receive travel funding to the AERA national conference in San Francisco, CA […]

Urban Education Collaborative Director presents AVID National Conference

Categories: News

Chance W. Lewis, Director of the Urban Education Collaborative, presented at the AVID National Conference in San Diego, California. The topic of his presentation was “Removing the Barriers to African American Male Achievement: The Impact of Culturally Relevant Instruction and Low Teacher Expectations on College Readiness.

Dr. Lewis to Present at 42nd Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

Categories: News

Dr. Lewis has been invited to present on a panel session entitled “Health Education and Literacy Policy (HELP) for School-Age Black Children” during the 42nd Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, DC.

Urban Education Collaborative Director invited to provide Keynote Speech for College of Education Back-to-School Celebration

Categories: News

Dr. Chance W. Lewis (Director, The Urban Education Collaborative) has been invited to provide the keynote address for the UNC Charlotte College of Education Back-to-School Celebration. This event will take place on August 31, 2012.