Urban Education Week

The Urban Education Collaborative, under the direction of Dr. Chance W. Lewis, is excited to announce our annual Urban Education Week activities on October 26-29, 2020. We have activities where everyone can get involved. We will close out the week with a Distinguished Lecture by eminent scholar, Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings. See below for a snapshot of activities:
Monday (October 26th)
Community Tech Drive to support local students who do not have access to technology at home to support learning (See video to get involved). This initiative is in partnership with HEAL Charlotte and Digi-Bridge.
Tuesday (October 27th)
Uplifting Your Child Through COVID-19 (5pm – 6pm EST); Broadcast live on YouTube with a Distinguished Panel of UNCC College of Education & Social Work faculty and graduate students. CLICK HERE TO WATCH
Wednesday (October 28th)
Urban Book Talks to engage elementary and middle-school children with exposure to diverse books and authors. Click HERE to view the book talks. This is in partnership with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library and UNCC faculty, staff and students.
Thursday (October 29th)
Distinguished Virtual Lecture by eminent scholar, Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings (5pm – 6pm EST); Click here for more information.