Bigger Than High School
The Bigger Than High School Event is hosted by the Urban Education Collaborative at UNC Charlotte in partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. This event will take place on Friday, July 26, 2019 from 9am to 3pm on the main campus in the CATO College of Education. Rising 9th to 12th graders will experience an interactive full day of workshops, student panels, professional mentoring, an admissions presentation and college tour. Lunch is not provided for students for this event. Students will be required to bring a bag lunch or $9.15 for the on-campus lunch buffet in the Student Union. Students will be provided a morning snack upon arrival and throughout the day. Registration is required for individual students and groups. There is a limit of 50 student seats. Each student must be accompanied by a parent or chaperone. *****GROUPS MAY REGISTER UP TO 15 STUDENTS (Rising 9th to 12th grade)*****